Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I am a Woman


 "I am a Woman of Endless Possibilities!!"

Queen Nzinga of Ndongo and Matamba
One of my favorite stories is about Queen Nzinga of Ndongo and her negotiations with the Portuguese governor Correira de Sousa. In her meeting with the governor Queen Nzinga was not offered a chair to sit on. The governor wanted to show his superiority to the African queen so instead he placed a mat on the floor for her to sit. Recognizing this degradation, Queen Nzinga ordered one of her servants to kneel down so that she may sit on her back. By doing this she asserted her status as an equal to the governor, and remained seated on the back of her servant through the duration of the negotiations. Her servants willingness to kneel respectfully for her Queen is a strong symbol of female unity and support. It takes a strong woman to support and uphold the status of another woman whether physically, or emotionally. To me there is nothing more rewarding about being a woman than the ability to sustain a strong compassionate relationship with my girlfriends. Only a woman who has complete understanding of her identity including any flaws, or imperfections, can truly love herself. Female empowerment is inspired through stories such as this because they encourage women to support their fellow woman and see themselves as strong, equal, and beautiful.

"It is a truly beautiful thing when a women can love HER body!"

 I love this video because it shows women of all ages how false the ideals of beauty that are portrayed in the media. This video takes us through the different stages of preparation before a model is "ready" to be placed on a billboard, or a magazine cover. It is shocking to see an average girl be transformed first through makeup, and then electronically to a person whose features are unnatural, and impossible to achieve. I commend Dove for always using ads such as these that allow women to know how beautiful they are, and encourage them to not only embrace, but be proud of their flaws.                                    

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